Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What would you do if you only had 30 days to live?

I keep a journal.

I started journaling a couple of years ago. I find it helpful, it makes me slow down and think through my thoughts. So often our minds race from one thing to another that you can start to feel like you have ADD. The process of writing down your thoughts forces you to follow thoughts all the way through and often times brings clarity to whatever problems have been dogging you.

One of the things that I have tried to do, is write my journals with the intent on them being read by my posterity.

I wrote a letter to my boys and I try to give them little tips that I have learned about life.

I am honest about my struggles and about my pain, I don't hold back or try to cover up how I am feeling. I think it will be important for them when they get older to be able to read my story and understand that I struggle just like they do.

There is a video at the bottom that I watched today, now... I am not indorsing Oprah, she has her own issues, but the guy doing the talk has some great points. I want to encourage you to watch it and glean anything that is helpful to you.

One of the points that he makes in his talk is that most people are good if you give them a chance to show you. I know all of the theological principals that none are good and that mankind is depraved. We are all sinners... I get that. The area where I agree with what he has to say is in the way we should not jump to conclusions about people, but give them lots of space to be who they are. The scriptures put it this way: Love believes the best.

If we would believe the best in others I think we would be amazed at how often they would rise to meet our expectations.

If you have not done something to chronicle your journey through this life, I want to remind you that today is the best day to start. Do something, keep a journal, organize your photos, something. This life is a gift and we should treasure each day that God gives us.

Pastor Willy

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