Monday, August 20, 2012

Free Methodist Church of North America Live Vision Cast

Live Vision Cast

Sit down with the bishops here at at 7 p.m. EDT Sunday, Aug. 26, for our next Vision Cast. The bishops will help us see where we’re going as a church and how we’re going to get there.

To watch live click HERE. 

Monday, August 6, 2012

Chick-Fil-A is not Anti-Gay, they are Pro-Marriage!

Well, it has been one heck of a Summer. I don't know about you but I am about sick of peoples life choices being jammed down my throat. Everything from the political scene of pin the blame on the donkey to the cultural reality of alternative lifestyles being thrust upon the populous along with a corresponding expectation that what was once considered alternative, be recognized as mainstream, and if you don't agree, well, you better be strapped in and ready to be slammed... hard. 

If you have taken in any movies this summer you have been inundated with Hollywood's efforts to mainstream the homosexual lifestyle. It seems every movie or music video that comes out nowadays HAS to have a token gay couple in it and yes, they must kiss onscreen at least once. This makes it so difficult to watch TV with my 9 year old and 7 year old boys... last week, "Dad, why did those girls kiss?" ... uhh, well boys, I think they are sisters or something, uhhhh... 

What has become so evident to me recently is the fact that the homosexuals (and those who support that lifestyle choice) are NOT interested in is equality, what they really crave is validation for their choices.

How do I know this to be true? Well, they insist on gay marriage for one. Although they have been offered domestic partnerships that will allow them all the same rights as a heterosexual couple, healthcare benefits, the right to will properties and inherit assets, the homosexuals have stated that this is not good enough for them. Why, what will marriage do, nothing more than add legitimacy to there lifestyle choice. 

Here is a just one great reason why offering marriages to gays is a bad idea. If we validate this lifestyle then what is to stop a man from marrying his sister... or both his sisters. Well, they could have a baby that would be inbred you say, well ok, what if he wanted to marry his brother or his dog or his horse for that matter... after all who are we to define love?

This is not about love, you are free to love anyone you want. This is not about rights, you have all the same rights as heterosexual couples. This IS about validation. 

There has been a major push lately in our society to offer the validation that these people crave, Oreos, Barack Obama, Target, and the Main Stream Media have all jumped on the bandwagon to legitimize this group. 

What is sad is that when you look at this group you know that they just see dollar signs or votes, not people. The issue is irrelevant. The people irrelevant. 

The only little snag is that as much as some may want to say this is OK, we know that God has told us that this is not OK. 

Plus many more scriptures that we will not take the time to look up...

If we see these people through God's eyes we should be filled with compassion that our brother or sister has been deceived by the enemy. All too often though, the church has been guilty of showing anger instead of love and compassion. You can take a look at many  "Christian Blogs" that spew nothing but hate... that is clearly not working and not the answer. 

What is the answer... love. We have got to return to love. Love wins. Love covers a multitude of sins and offences. When we show the love of God to those who are broken, hurting and lost it will be like a beacon of light drawing, restoring those lost brothers and sisters back to the Father. 

Romans 2:4

Amplified Bible 
Or are you [so blind as to] trifle with and presume upon and despise and underestimate the wealth of His kindness and forbearance and long-suffering patience? Are you unmindful or actually ignorant [of the fact] that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repent (to change your mind and inner man to accept God’s will)?

It is not about our frustration from our values being hijacked and trampled on, it's about love. Its not about getting the right guy elected, (although that is important), it's about restoring love. It's all about showing the kindness of God to a generation who have lost sight of a Father that cares deeply for them.

Once this happens, we wont have to worry about legalizing gay marriage, or marijuana, we wont have to worry about making abortion illegal and making sure we don't have to pay for someone else's contraceptives. Once love is restored in our communities all those problems take care of themselves and we win back our brother or sister that was lost. 

Oh, and if you have some time, go out and have a chicken sandwich!

Pastor Willy

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