Monday, January 2, 2012

How an Idea Becomes a Reality - Mark Driscoll

How an Idea becomes a Reality
  1. Vision
    1. Can come to a leader or from the leader
    2. Something new to try, a new idea, a new goal or plan
  2. Plan
    1. Answering the questions
    2. Can we do this
    3. Should we do this
    4. Who will it involve
    5. What will it cost
    6. What staff or volunteers do we need
  3. Implement
    1. Date is set
    2. Resources allocated
    3. Notification given
  4. Manage
    1. If not managed well, will die
    2. Volunteers drop off
    3. Money dries up
  5. Review
    1. Evaluate the goals and performance
    2. Is there a good return on investment
    3. Has it lost its mission and vision
    4. Corrections made here
    5. Modify or Kill happens here

Adapted from Mark Driscoll

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