Don't miss out this Sunday at Southside we will have a VERY special guest: Steve Sjogren. Steve will be sharing a special message about what it means to be a servant. Read on to learn more about Steve.
Steve Sjogren launched the Vineyard Community Church in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1985 with 37 people. Under his leadership, the dynamic congregation grew to more than 6000 in average attendance. From the onset VCC had a strong emphasis on servant evangelism, small groups, church planting and caring for the needy. Following a medical accident in 1997 and during his recovery, Steve became the Launching Pastor. Through the years the church planting internship program and Steve’s coaching efforts have produced several dozen successful church plants. Steve is currently focused on writing, speaking and mentoring church planters. Steve’s passion for evangelism, church planting and leadership development is reflected in his writing.
In 2007 Steve and his wife, Janie, began the launch of their fifth church planting adventure in the greater Tampa, Florida area. Steve’s first book, Conspiracy of Kindness (Vine Books, 1993), has gained attention across a broad base of church leaders as an effective and creative approach to sharing the love of Christ. 101 Ways to Reach Your Community is a “cookbook” of projects and practical guide to getting started with Servant Evangelism.
Other books include:Irresistible Evangelism: Natural Ways to Open Others to Jesus, (Group Publishing Inc., 2004), Community of Kindness, A Refreshing New Approach to Planting and Growing a Church (with Rob Lewin, Regal Books, 2003), Perfectly Imperfect Church: Redefining the “Ideal” Church, (Group Publishing Inc., 2002), 101 Ways to Reach People in Need (NavPress, 2002), and Seeing Beyond Church Walls: Action Plans For Touching Your Community (Editor, Group Publishing Inc, 2001). His articles on evangelism, church planting and leadership have appeared in a variety of magazines including Outreach Magazine, REV, Charisma, Decision, Ministries Today, New Man, Christian Reader, Leadership Journal, Discipleship Journal, and Current Thoughts and Trends.