Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Caught in the Target aisle and nowhere to HIDE!

I was in  Target the other day... Toy aisle with my boys. We were looking at Bionicles. You probably do not know what those are, that's because you are not 8 years old or at least you don't still act like you are 8... ha!

While I was in the toy section, day dreaming with all the lovely plastic, a lady who works at Target came up to me with a sales pitch: "Like, did you know that Target buys back used electronics?!? Like, Here is a brochure for you to read... with my card attached so that when you bring in all those used electronics I can get credit!"

I'm like, WOW, I can't even hide or pretend no one is home, how did I get into this mess, where is the exit.

This got me to thinking though. You know it is pretty unnatural to approach someone in public and demand THEIR time to hear YOUR pitch... even if it is about God. I think the results that I have seen knocking on doors and approaching people or by walking up to people in public places with the message of the gospel or a tract shows how ineffective that strategy can be.

In the context of real life conversations is where we can bring up thoughts and ideas about God, we just have to be willing.

Another way is through kindness outreach, whether you are washing windshields, giving out free coffee, doing a street drama or giving away fruit door to door, you are EARNING the right to talk with people about God, rather than barging in, in a very unnatural way.

Easter Sunday we gave out 120 Easter baskets (Thank you Di Endicott!!) door to door, my family and me were able to pray with our next door neighbor... we gave a needy family a financial gift (from Southside) to help them pay the rent... it was way cool. Best of all this is just the beginning.

The only down side was that more people did not get involved! If you were not there, you missed out... don't let that happen again. Be willing to let God use you to bless His precious lost ones. 

Romans 2

Better think this one through from the beginning. God is kind, but he's not soft. In kindness he takes us firmly by the hand and leads us into a radical life-change.

May this be a season where God can use us to reach our neighbors with His Kindness!

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