About a year ago I listened to a talk the Rick Warren gave on time management. I thought It was very good so I wanted to share my notes with you from that talk... enjoy!
If we live an average life of 70 years that will mean that each one of us will spend:
A. 23 Years asleep
B. 17 Years Working
C. 11 Years Watching TV / Playing
D. 6 Years Traveling
E. 2 Years Getting Ready
F. 1 Year in Church
Ephesians 5 tells us to live life with responsibility. What does that mean?
1. First we have to understand that time management is life management. When we are just killing time we are in essence committing suicide! We all have 168 hrs. per week... how do we use them?
2. Ephesians 5:17 Don't live carelessly, unthinkingly. Make sure you understand what the Master wants.
We need to understand what our purpose is, (that's why we are doing the Purpose Driven Life this fall as a church).
1. Know God / Worship
2. Grow Like Jesus / Discipleship
3. Over Flow with Love / Fellowship
4. Show your gifts / Ministry
5. Go tell others / Evangelism
Every person needs 2 things:
1. Ministry (if you are not involved in serving, you should be)
2. Mission
You are not
accountable to the expectations of others, only God, you cannot please everyone! We have just enough time in this life to do God's will.
Here are some tips on how to prioritize your life:
1. Keep a journal of how you are using your time for a couple of days, look back over it and ask the question, is this how I want to use my time? " An unexamined life is not one worth living" -Socrates
a. Just because something is prior does not make it a priority... something more important may come up!
2. Say NO to a lot of stuff.
3. Group similar tasks together: phone calls, meetings, errands...
4. Plan your week in 21 segments: 7 Morning / Noon / Evening segments.
5. Use all of your "free time". Loose change time, redeem your time. Cary a book or audio resource to help you grow when you are "stuck waiting" somewhere.
6. Maintain a "relaxed attitude". Proverbs 14:30 A sound mind makes for a robust body, but runaway emotions corrode the bones.
7. Put God first by scheduling time for Him first every day.
8. Utilize the present... there is no time like the present, don't waste your days.
5 things to do EVERY day:
1. Use today to worship God
2. Use today to fellowship
3. Use today to Grow
4. Use today to serve others
5. Use today to share your faith
Given all of this advice... what would be some next steps that you could take to help you improve how you use your time?
Be blessed and make the most of your days!
Pastor Willy