Four months ago Angel and I moved here to pastor Southside. One of the immediate goals that we had was to meet with the leadership of the church and assess the direction, vision and goals for Southside.
After meeting with lots of different people we re-formed the Leadership Team, Strategic planning Team and Elders Team. It is with this new group of people that we have begun the hard work of defining a clear vision for Southside.
We have worked for a few months now and I am pleased to report the major progress that has been made to that effect. Both the Elders and the Strategic Teams have been discussing how to best move the ministry forward and I have the privilege of giving you some of the details up to this point.
1st the Elders are meeting and praying for the ministry on a monthly basis as well as individually praying daily for Southside.
They are starting a weekly prayer meeting that will be open to everyone,
(details on that will come soon).
2nd the Strategic Planning Team has been focusing on how to get a Community Groups System in place at Southside.
This is part of our 5 major goals for 2009. We expect to see great growth spiritually in the lives of Southsiders as a result of joining in on these 12 week Semester based Community Groups.
One of the expected outcomes as we begin this new direction is that more and more casual attendees move their way closer to the core, as illustrated above. We understand that people will only commit in proportion to the level of relationship that they experience in Southside and Community Groups are going to provide that much needed place where new friendships can begin.
The ultimate vision for Southside will be unveiled later on this year but for now here are the Five Goals that we have set as a Leadership Team:
1) Robust discipleship program
Deuteronomy 11:19-21
• Intentional
• Expected Outcomes
• Progressive
• Relational / Small Groups2) Service opportunities defined and available
Matthew 20:25-28
• Serve and Celebrate
• Pumpkin Party
• Easter Egg Hunt3) People serving who they know, motivated out of a heart of love
Acts 4:32-35
• Real, known needs being met.
• Celebrating successes
• Telling the stories
• Bringing new people along4) Competent leadership in place according to gifting
Ephesians 4:11-13
• Passionate leadership
• Multiplying leadership
• Purpose Driven leadership5) Sunday morning service where real ministry is taking place
Hebrews 10:23-32
• Prayer for needs
• The Gospel preached
• Authentic worship (Excellence and Energy)
• An atmosphere of excitement and expectancy
• Children in an intentional (fully funded) Christian education programSo, as you can see we have a lot of work to do to see all of this happen this year! With that I would like to leave you with two thoughts:
1. If you have a passion for any one of these goals and would like to be involved in seeing them happen this year, please let the Leadership Team know… WE NEED YOUR HELP!
2. If you have any thoughts or ideas on how we can make this year of ministry even better please do not hesitate to speak up, we would LOVE to hear from YOU!
Call or email, 971*832*2427 or
There will be much more information in the coming months as we seek God’s will for Southside and as planning come into focus. I hope that you are excited to see what God has in store for us, I know I am!
Pastor Willy